Light, Space and object
“I am interested in the connection between art and architecture, even though I am aware they are broad topics. I consider light as the point where the overlapping of boundaries between artwork and space takes place, a feature that affects both and can reshape their perception. But it is not a one-way relationship. Light, space and object are not fixed roles that cannot be interchanged or even merged. It is in the playful but thoughtful disarrangement of these elements that a new experience can be found.”
Model making.
The process of getting inside the environment of these three study cases was initially thought to be through digital 3d modelling, which would allow to recreate and experience the atmosphere of the artist’s works. And it helped to understand the configuration of the elements and particularities of the space. But as the research process moves forward, physically handling the elements and getting inside these atmospheres becomes essential, that is why building scale models of each space provided a more vivid research.